View Full Version : Moving to another state..MazdaSpeed

12-17-2011, 07:42 PM
So i am returning from home from deployment in a few weeks and ofcourse time to invest (if thats what you want to call it) into my Rx-8. Well summer time I will be moving back to VA. Well they have strick laws about tuners and tuning cars.. just about anything aftermarket is illegal. lol But the loop whole is that I plan on spending the money into factory performance parts as in MazdaSpeed. I have been pricing there things for awhile now and there so expensive. But its what i need and what i want as well. Is there a website that sells the factory parts at a discount price? With everyones experiance and knowledge has there been any MS performance parts that arent worth what you pay for them or are a disappoint me? Also how does that work with factory warrantees? Give me some guidance before I start blowing my deployment pay. I want to do it right with the right parts :)

12-18-2011, 12:54 PM
I wouldnt worry to much about VA the car laws, as long as your not out acting stupid they really wont mess with you. Biggest thing is tint and exhaust noise. There is plenty of cars around here from junky hondas with body kits to fully built domestics and imports. Where to VA are you headed?

12-18-2011, 04:27 PM
Mazdaspeed parts are wonderful quality, but most aftermarket parts in the area of performance for the RX8 won't yield big gains for what you pay. In VA, the biggest issue as one320fc mentioned that will get you ticketed is our tint laws and exhaust noise violations. I've run a dual midpipe on the RX8 now with a stock catback for over two years with not so much as a second glance from officers on the highway. It's mostly what they can see and how much you stand out. Things like body kits, custom paint, wheels, etc won't get you much grief. If you plan to stay in the military on post somewhere in VA though, the MP may give you more grief, lol.

What year is your rx8 and what do you plan to do? These questions will help us to answer warranty issues and overall worth vs gain...

12-18-2011, 07:22 PM
Im from yorktown va.. i have a good idea about the laws lol i was one of those kids that ran around with wings and stuff and loud exhaust.. i did get tickets for noise and tint and stuff like that and they would give me crap becuz it wasnt stock.. or from the factory.. there was a guy there that had a 2000 celica and he used only TRD parts and he got ticketed for alot of things.. went to court and showed that his parts was from the factory even though they were performance but it was toyota performance and they through it out. im heading back to va for the last few years i have to serve.. im still not sure if im gonna stay in but by the time i get out i wil have 9 years so i may stay in.. so anywhere i go may have strick rules but if its performance parts front the factory i figure it would work out for me. plans for the car is to do pulleys, exhaust. just basic bolt ons just for a few ponies.. not doing anything fancy for performance..but im gonna do it right and want good parts.. mazdaspeed please.

12-18-2011, 07:36 PM
Im from yorktown va.. i have a good idea about the laws lol i was one of those kids that ran around with wings and stuff and loud exhaust.. i did get tickets for noise and tint and stuff like that and they would give me crap becuz it wasnt stock.. or from the factory.. there was a guy there that had a 2000 celica and he used only TRD parts and he got ticketed for alot of things.. went to court and showed that his parts was from the factory even though they were performance but it was toyota performance and they through it out. im heading back to va for the last few years i have to serve.. im still not sure if im gonna stay in but by the time i get out i wil have 9 years so i may stay in.. so anywhere i go may have strick rules but if its performance parts front the factory i figure it would work out for me. plans for the car is to do pulleys, exhaust. just basic bolt ons just for a few ponies.. not doing anything fancy for performance..but im gonna do it right and want good parts.. mazdaspeed please.

I really think thats a toss up and depends on where you are, my buddy was around Richmond on 95 in his Miata and got poped for speeding and they wrote tickets for everything aftermarket on his car all the way down to the style bars. WE3 has some real Mazdaspeed goodies on his FC and can vouch for the quailty! Just dont ask him about dyno numbers along with 2gslse :rofl:

12-18-2011, 09:40 PM
The Mazdaspeed exhaust for the RX8 (catback at least) is minimal to no gain. The only catbacks that I've personally seen and driven that make any difference is Magnaflow, Borla or Racing beat. I'm sure the others might make a few, but I can't speak to it. Your best bet with exhaust is to get one that you like the tone, and be happy with that. Pulleys are again another mod that doesn't really yield anything big.

Truth be told, I'd do the exhaust for the sound and then for power, get rid of the factory coils and get an Access Port tuner. They are both invisible to any law enforcement unless they look REALLY hard and will net you the best power and response. Couple it with a drop in K&N or CAI and it'll be a fun little ride. The best NA power is in full exhaust and tuning...

12-21-2011, 05:18 PM
I played on youtube and listened to a few different exhaust.. i like the racing beat sounded good but it back fired a little.. so im wondering if it didnt have cats. and then the hks system sounded nice too.. its hard to judge on a video though.. when i get back im gonna look around for fellow 8s and ask some questions and listen. thank you for the feedback on exhaust.

12-21-2011, 08:24 PM
Hit up the centralvirginiamazdaclub.com, they do meets down central-southern area from time to time and a few rx8 guys show up to it. John who runs the club has an 8 with the RB catback and midpipe...

12-25-2011, 04:14 PM
Hit up the centralvirginiamazdaclub.com, they do meets down central-southern area from time to time and a few rx8 guys show up to it. John who runs the club has an 8 with the RB catback and midpipe...

can John be contacted on this rotory club website? or through the website you just gave me?

12-27-2011, 04:35 PM
yea.. His screen name is VR8 on this and most other sites..