View Full Version : B3R 2012 - Spring

11-17-2011, 10:17 AM
Hey, I discussed it with a few folks in Oct about possibly doing a Spring B3R... I'm thinking maybe a month after DGRR...

I'm just wanting to put the idea out there and see who all would be interested in joining me for camping in warmer weather! It would be in May...

But I do want to say, by no means is this in any way to take away from DGRR... DGRR is a great event and I love going to it myself... and if I had to pick between a B3R and DGRR in the spring, I would pick DGRR and encourage others to do the same...

But this is to give another opportunity for rotary (and former-rotary) lovers a chance to socialize...

so, thoughts? feelings? ideas? if there seems to be enough interest, I'll look into throwing something together...

11-17-2011, 11:13 AM
I don't know Tray, I already want to go to DGRR and then theres the Mitty the
week after. Not sure the boss will let me out to play that much on my own :D

Maybe if its later in May, like the last weekend, oops thats Memorial Day, might
be crowded at the ole campsite and lots of traffic.

What about early June? Might be able to swing that more easily.

11-17-2011, 06:13 PM
im down for a spring b3r. camping in warm weather will be nice for a change. more bugs though