10-07-2011, 10:15 PM
Just received Issue 140 of Performance Imports and myself (yellow), James (white), and Masin (silver) are in this month's issue. Great article and excellent pics. If you don't already receive it, grab a copy! They did a great job!!
Here's a link to their web site.
Borders used to carry the magazine here in the US, but since Borders went belly up, they don't currently have a US distributor. You can order copies through MagStore.com in Australia. We have a small pic on the lower left corner of the magazine cover and about 8 pages inside with large format color pics and a great writeup!
Forum names are RCCAZ 1 (yellow), toyzzz (white) and Dregg10 (silver).
Here's a link to their web site.
Borders used to carry the magazine here in the US, but since Borders went belly up, they don't currently have a US distributor. You can order copies through MagStore.com in Australia. We have a small pic on the lower left corner of the magazine cover and about 8 pages inside with large format color pics and a great writeup!
Forum names are RCCAZ 1 (yellow), toyzzz (white) and Dregg10 (silver).