View Full Version : Newbee/Need Help on Pricing '85 RX7 GSL

07-19-2011, 11:20 AM
Hello, My name is Sharon and I have my 1985 Mazda RX7 GSL for sale and thought I would ask for your help in pricing the car. NADA.com says avg. retail is $3,850 and High Retail is $5,700, so I priced my RX 7 at $4,500. Since I haven't had any interest, I would appreciate your opinion on what a good and fair price would be for the car. You can check my ad in the 1st generation for sale list, FS: 1985 RX7 GSL, San Jose, CA 95130, 85k miles. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

07-19-2011, 11:35 AM
I think the price is about right but you will have to wait until the someone who is willing
to spend the money sees it and bites. You should put it on as many sites as possible, like
craigslist, other rx7 sites etc. You've only had it up for about 2 months now.

The only way to sell it faster is to ask for less and if your not willing to do that then
you will have to wait. At 4500 its a reasonable price but it had better be almost spotless
at that price. If it was an SA or a GSL-SE or some sort of limited edition you might get
more traffic but its not. Just hang in there and I'm sure someone will want it.

07-19-2011, 11:39 AM
t_g is right. It is a fair price for the car.

However, around here it would only bring in $2500-3000 TOPS.

Being in California I thought would be an advantage for you, but I guess markets are crazy right now.

07-19-2011, 01:07 PM
Thank you for the feedback. This really helps. This car is really very clean, but not spotless, as you mentioned. I'll reduce the asking price some to see if I get any responses. I've been reluctant to post it on Craigslist, as I didn't want to deal with the spamming issue. I may post there if I don't get any response on this site. I'll also try other rotar sites. Thanks again for your suggestions.