06-02-2011, 10:52 AM
I was looking to buy a gauge that had more than just 1 read out. I was hoping to keep the interior of my car from looking like a fighter cockpit. While blindly browsing through google shopping i found the Sgear Crenate II stepping motor gauge. It shows Oil pressure, Oil temp, water temp and volt all in 1. They also have a boost, EGT, Intake temp gauge. I found there web site but the company is located in Taiwan, i couldn't find any vendor in the US.
After about 10 emails and talking the sales agent into selling me just 1 (they wanted me to by 5 minimum) and me being skeptical i was going to get taken for a ride and be out money and still not have a gauge. The gauge was 238$ ready to install and took about a week to get to my house from Taiwan.
Went with the basic Oil pedistal for press and temp
Hooked up and ready to go. The remote allows you to show peaks, set alarms, change the color (Red, Green, White) You can also change it from C* to F*
This is what it looks like on I didn't get time to take 1 last night uges.jpg
I'll need to dig up some video of it.
After about 10 emails and talking the sales agent into selling me just 1 (they wanted me to by 5 minimum) and me being skeptical i was going to get taken for a ride and be out money and still not have a gauge. The gauge was 238$ ready to install and took about a week to get to my house from Taiwan.
Went with the basic Oil pedistal for press and temp
Hooked up and ready to go. The remote allows you to show peaks, set alarms, change the color (Red, Green, White) You can also change it from C* to F*
This is what it looks like on I didn't get time to take 1 last night uges.jpg
I'll need to dig up some video of it.