View Full Version : Problem Possibilities

06-02-2011, 06:45 AM
Hey guys,

My friends mom has a FD, Im unsure of the year right now, maybe a 93? It is currently not running. He says hit has around 72K on the clock. Last i heard it was turning over but not starting and from the description he gave me it sounded like it just wasnt getting any spark.

I saw him again yesterday and now he says its not turning over at all. Im gonna go have a look at it this weekend , but for now what are some common things that could be causing these problems??


06-10-2011, 10:48 AM
Hard to determine without more info. Any idea what happened just before it stopped running? Or did it just not start one day? The only thing I can suggest is make sure it's getting fuel, spark, and enough compression. Once you have those three you should have a running engine.

06-10-2011, 10:57 AM
Hard to determine without more info. Any idea what happened just before it stopped running? Or did it just not start one day? The only thing I can suggest is make sure it's getting fuel, spark, and enough compression. Once you have those three you should have a running engine.

and make sure it's not flooded.

edit: Why was this posted in Archive?