View Full Version : Hi from switzerland !

04-27-2011, 05:58 AM
Hi ev'rybody !

My name's Jeremy, I live in the french part of Switzerland (so sry for my future english faults :P ).

I'm 21 and an RX-7 FC owner !! :D

My first car was a Toyota Corolla AE86 Levin but I sold it last week-end...

My rotary story:

I saw the first FC in a corner of dark "warehouse" of a garage. I was about 15years old. It was the first year of my apprenticeship as mechanician. From that day, I started looking everywhere on the net to find informations about the rotary engine... and I fell in looove... <3

Then, 1 year ago, I bought a damaged FC TurboII first gen form 1988. 6 months later, I bought a second damaged TII from 1989 (first gen too). I made one with both of them, and now she's ready ton take me where ever I want !

(clic for bigger pictures)

the first FC:
http://i61.servimg.com/u/f61/14/31/47/32/th/snc00311.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=25&u=14314732) http://i61.servimg.com/u/f61/14/31/47/32/th/fct210.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=21&u=14314732)

the second FC:
http://i61.servimg.com/u/f61/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00010.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=26&u=14314732) http://i61.servimg.com/u/f61/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00011.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=27&u=14314732) http://i61.servimg.com/u/f61/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00012.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=28&u=14314732)

And now:

http://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00210.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=51&u=14314732) http://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00212.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=53&u=14314732) http://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00213.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=54&u=14314732)

With snow:
http://i61.servimg.com/u/f61/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00213.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=58&u=14314732)

Some pics of the work:
http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00013.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=33&u=14314732) http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00014.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=34&u=14314732) http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00016.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=36&u=14314732)
http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00017.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=37&u=14314732) http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00018.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=38&u=14314732) http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00019.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=39&u=14314732)

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/14/31/47/32/th/dsc00112.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=42&u=14314732)

Bye :D

04-27-2011, 10:03 AM
Welcome! Your English isn't that bad, don't be so hard on yourself haha.

But the FC was the second gen (unless you're talking about Series 4 or Series 5 FC but 89-91 was Series 5 and 86-88 was Series 4). I can't see the pictures on this computer at work but I'll look when I get home.

04-27-2011, 11:55 AM
Welcome! Your English isn't that bad, don't be so hard on yourself haha.

But the FC was the second gen (unless you're talking about Series 4 or Series 5 FC but 89-91 was Series 5 and 86-88 was Series 4). I can't see the pictures on this computer at work but I'll look when I get home.

Yes I know :P

everybody says the same. S5 but... I'm sure it was an S4. 133kw and not 147, rearlights S4, bumpers S4, etc... :P

04-27-2011, 02:38 PM
Oh so you WERE talking about second gen then, just about the series specifically, gotcha. I don't know enough about FCs just yet to be able to tell by HP, just some body pieces and the year haha.

04-27-2011, 02:42 PM
Oh so you WERE talking about second gen then, just about the series specifically, gotcha. I don't know enough about FCs just yet to be able to tell by HP, just some body pieces and the year haha.

there are just 2 generations of Turbo II, no ? the first with 133kw and the second with 147kw ?

04-27-2011, 02:58 PM
Yes, but here in the US, we call 1979-1985 RX-7's first gens, and 1986-1991 second gens. 1st gens then break down to Series 1 (1979-1980), Series 2 (1981-1983) and Series 3 (1984-1985). Then within the 2nd gen you have Series 4 (1986-1988) and Series 5 (1989-1991).

Its confusing sometimes.

Nice FC though, you did a good job!

04-27-2011, 03:54 PM
Words of advice: Americans don't readily understand Metric power units unless we do mental conversion in our heads to HP (550 ft-lbs/sec = 1 HP), where 1 ft-lb = 1.35582 N-m, thus:

133 kilowatts = 178.355938 hp

04-27-2011, 04:01 PM
ok so series 4, and 133kw is 181 hp (not 178) so the series 4 has 181HP and the series 5 200 hp =D

are you sure that all the 1989 are S5 ? because my second FC was an 1989 but series 4... :/

04-27-2011, 04:08 PM
i'm a native english speaker... and i'm sure you will know my language better than me...

04-27-2011, 08:40 PM
Welcome! Nice crane!

04-27-2011, 09:40 PM
i hope you enjoy her! I think i've owned almost 20 rx7s by now... its addiciting.

04-27-2011, 10:47 PM
there are just 2 generations of Turbo II, no ? the first with 133kw and the second with 147kw ?

Yes, but here in the US, we call 1979-1985 RX-7's first gens, and 1986-1991 second gens. 1st gens then break down to Series 1 (1979-1980), Series 2 (1981-1983) and Series 3 (1984-1985). Then within the 2nd gen you have Series 4 (1986-1988) and Series 5 (1989-1991).

Its confusing sometimes.

Oh I see where the disconnect was now. What djmitsu said haha. What you're calling a generation we call a series.

are you sure that all the 1989 are S5 ? because my second FC was an 1989 but series 4... :/

You could have had one that was swapped, although I've never heard of someone swapping S4 parts onto an S5 LOL.

i'm a native english speaker... and i'm sure you will know my language better than me...

I was going to say the same thing, he probably speaks better English than A LOT of people I've spoken with LOL.

i hope you enjoy her! I think i've owned almost 20 rx7s by now... its addiciting.


04-28-2011, 04:21 AM
i'm a native english speaker... and i'm sure you will know my language better than me...

Thx, but i'm sure I won't :D

Welcome! Nice crane!

Yeaaah!! :P

i hope you enjoy her! I think i've owned almost 20 rx7s by now... its addiciting.

I knooooooow !!! :| more addicting than drugs :D but I have to wait before buying new RX-7 ^... I'm still student

Oh I see where the disconnect was now. What djmitsu said haha. What you're calling a generation we call a series.

Yes here too.. My fault :P

You could have had one that was swapped, although I've never heard of someone swapping S4 parts onto an S5 LOL.

well both are S4. It's maybe different in Switzerland... Or maybe it was one of the last S4... :/