View Full Version : Raffling off goodies at DGRR 2011... extra tickets for $2 each!!

04-26-2011, 08:51 AM
Like last year, we'll be raffling off goodies on Saturday night at the awards banquet..

This year, we have tons of goodies to raffle off... Including stuff from Exedy Clutch, Previous DGRR shirts, Cash for Gas, etc.

Like last year, we'll be selling EXTRA raffle tickets. The Money from Extra raffle tickets sold will be used to buy saturday night dinner for all the volunteers. Extra raffle tickets will be $2 a ticket, 3 for $5, 7 for $10, 15 for $20, 60 for $50, and 130 for $100.

Those who bought extra tickets have won a lot of stuff last year!!

Each registration will get 1 ticket during check in.
