View Full Version : Need a bed for DGRRXI

02-14-2011, 09:39 PM
Well, it looks like I missed the boat on a cabin of my own and the friend I was going to camp with just opted out. Sooooooo, does anyone have a spare bed that needs filling in their cabin?


02-14-2011, 11:54 PM
I might be able to put you up @ my place which is 20mins or so away...

02-15-2011, 11:00 AM
We don't have a bed but we always have room at 1016. A lot of our people are bringing air mattresses. It's not like we sleep much... :cheers2:

FC Zach
02-15-2011, 12:33 PM
But if you do sleep, don't sleep in the open.

Here's why:

02-15-2011, 01:29 PM
LOL! The look on DJ's face is hilarious! "shhhhh!"

02-15-2011, 01:48 PM
Haha yes. As if Zach was going to wake up anyways... with the combo of alcohol and exhaust fumes leaking from his rotary inflated air mattress he was out pretty good.

02-15-2011, 02:29 PM
Well there goes any chance of him staying with us... :rofl: For real though, we wouldn't do that to someone we don't know well. Just Zach...

FC Zach
02-15-2011, 09:18 PM

02-15-2011, 10:45 PM
The other crew from Canada doesn't have any room either? I already have more people for the cabin I booked than it actually holds, but we'd likely have floor space for one more as well.

02-16-2011, 08:05 AM
The Atlantic Canadian cabin (a few miles down the road in Fontana View) will likely have some beds free. I've got a few people I'm waiting for a final word on though. (One person waiting for exam schedule, the other for work schedule.)
We actually deliberately got a place away from the main site as we wanted something quieter that would let us get away from the party/noise/crazyness etc. Depends what you are looking for in your accommodations.
We are planning to stay Thurs-Sunday, with the side trip to the Mitty on Sunday morning.

02-16-2011, 08:23 AM
The Atlantic Canadian cabin (a few miles down the road in Fontana View) will likely have some beds free. I've got a few people I'm waiting for a final word on though. (One person waiting for exam schedule, the other for work schedule.)
We actually deliberately got a place away from the main site as we wanted something quieter that would let us get away from the party/noise/crazyness etc. Depends what you are looking for in your accommodations.
We are planning to stay Thurs-Sunday, with the side trip to the Mitty on Sunday morning.

So pick us if you want party fun. Pick Redshft if you want quiet. :D

02-16-2011, 08:31 AM
So pick us if you want party fun. Pick Redshft if you want quiet. :D

Pretty much!

(With a 3000km drive each way, we learned last year that party till we drop when we get there doesn't work.)
That's why we sprung for the super-luxury cabin with the gourmet kitchen so we can do some kick-ass catering.

02-16-2011, 09:08 AM
That's why we sprung for the super-luxury cabin with the gourmet kitchen so we can do some kick-ass catering.

Wait, where are you? ;)

02-16-2011, 09:25 AM
Wait, where are you? ;)

Haha.. I'll have to talk to the better half, but perhaps a small reception by Canadians could be in order.
We have folks locally that I think get RX7s just so they can come out to our little meets that she caters.

And we're not THAT boring.. just dealing with stupidly drunk people and late-night engines revving gets old once we decide to call it a night.

02-16-2011, 09:44 AM
Haha.. I'll have to talk to the better half, but perhaps a small reception by Canadians could be in order.
We have folks locally that I think get RX7s just so they can come out to our little meets that she caters.

And we're not THAT boring.. just dealing with stupidly drunk people and late-night engines revving gets old once we decide to call it a night.

Ear plugs rule! :cheers2:

02-19-2011, 01:07 AM
Ah nice. I wasn't sure if I'd get any response at all when I got home from work. I posted in the DGRR thread on the "other" Canadian forum but got no responses there. I'm fine with bringing an air mattress with me if there aren't any beds. I just thought it would be a little sad to be at a camping site by myself while everyone else is partying. I think I'll wait to see if any beds are open in Redshft's cabin, if not I'll squeeze into either Buggy's or 1016.

Thanks a lot guys.

02-19-2011, 08:07 AM
No problem just let me know. Jim, myself, Scott, and Alfred are leaving Thursday probably early morning. Get there Friday probably around noon I'd say.

02-19-2011, 08:37 AM
No problem just let me know. Jim, myself, Scott, and Alfred are leaving Thursday probably early morning. Get there Friday probably around noon I'd say.

Don't forget to let us "other" canadians know when you are leaving:) I will head up and meet you guys probable on the other side of the boarder. We should exchange phone numbers and FSR frequencies..... I like the fact you guys want to leave early. Last 3 or so years it was a late drive for sure....

02-19-2011, 10:29 AM
Good time to leave. I don't feel like driving until midnight and having to rush off in the morning. In 09 I didn't have time to stop and eat until pretty late in the day.

02-19-2011, 03:54 PM
Well looks like plans have changed and Jim and Alfred are out. There should be lots of room for you Chris. I still have to confirm with Alfred for sure though. He may hitch a ride with someone else. I'll have to organize a time and meeting place for us. I feel all of us that are staying in the same cabin should travel together. Makes things easier. I want to get there for the photo shoot at fontana Friday at 3pm.

02-19-2011, 06:07 PM
Sounds like you might have something worked out with Buggy.
If not, I think we'll have some room. Our cabin has 7 beds. Currently only 2 are claimed, with "pending school/work schedules" pending on two more.
We have a lot longer drive, so planning to leave Halifax on Tuesday, for a Thursday arrival, then heading back home on Monday morning.

02-19-2011, 10:01 PM
Buggy, where does Alfred live? I have an open passenger seat if he's just looking for a ride and if he isn't too far out of the way I have no problem swinging out to pick him up. Definitely up for making the photoshoot. In 09 we made just as they were finishing so the Canucks weren't represented there.

02-20-2011, 09:04 AM
Alfred lives by Toronto, but he said he doesn't think he can afford to go as he just bought a new FC. So I'm not really counting on him being able to go.

02-20-2011, 11:58 AM
Ah ok. When and where were you thinking of meeting up? Are you guys crossing in Port Huron or Detroit?

02-20-2011, 05:36 PM
After our experience last year with Detroit I'm voting Port Huron. I'll sit down and put a route together. Try and find a decent route that will be more fun that endless hours of interstate driving.

02-20-2011, 08:12 PM
After our experience last year with Detroit I'm voting Port Huron. I'll sit down and put a route together. Try and find a decent route that will be more fun that endless hours of interstate driving.

Plot a killer route!! I have a passenger seat but I am winging it. Going to the mitty on sunday and have some time off before and after. In fact I took two weeks vacation. Not sure if I will be jetting back right away to do some work around the house or just chill. I guess it depends on the $$$.

02-21-2011, 02:51 AM
Haha.. I'll have to talk to the better half, but perhaps a small reception by Canadians could be in order.
We have folks locally that I think get RX7s just so they can come out to our little meets that she caters.

And we're not THAT boring.. just dealing with stupidly drunk people and late-night engines revving gets old once we decide to call it a night.

This is why I just never sleep :rofl:

Sounds like you might have something worked out with Buggy.
If not, I think we'll have some room. Our cabin has 7 beds. Currently only 2 are claimed, with "pending school/work schedules" pending on two more.
We have a lot longer drive, so planning to leave Halifax on Tuesday, for a Thursday arrival, then heading back home on Monday morning.

When are you planning on heading through CT?

02-21-2011, 07:16 AM
You sir, are a bad influence. Unfortunately, I have learned that no-sleep in a 6000km 50+ hour of driving trip ends badly. Usually with me sleeping peacefully while people in the oncoming cars are screaming.

Still working out the details of the plan (a little more complicated this year as I need to get agreement from other people) but current penciled in plan was stop in Maine on Tuesday night for some shopping, pass through your neck of the woods on Wed and stop..well.. not sure yet. Depends if that other Caravan comes together.

02-21-2011, 11:10 AM
You sir, are a bad influence. Unfortunately, I have learned that no-sleep in a 6000km 50+ hour of driving trip ends badly. Usually with me sleeping peacefully while people in the oncoming cars are screaming.

I'm sorry, but that is some funny funny shit. On the rd trip I would drive till I started halucenating, sleep till I wake up, drive some more. A 1-3 hr nap usually gave me enough to drive another 16-20 hrs. Of course I slept for like a week straight when I got home but that's another story.

Still working out the details of the plan (a little more complicated this year as I need to get agreement from other people) but current penciled in plan was stop in Maine on Tuesday night for some shopping, pass through your neck of the woods on Wed and stop..well.. not sure yet. Depends if that other Caravan comes together.

Which other Caravan? The canucks? They generally take a route that is much farther inland. The VA guys? There's 2 VA caravans that I know of, then there are a few of us that are thinking about driving to TX to "meet" someone before heading the DGRRXI :rofl: So yeah, lemme know what you're planning, would love to cruise down with ya. And I haven't even mentioned this to any of my Jersery/NY friends yet and there is another guy right herre in CT, about 10 minutes away from me so it's gonna be fucking aweseome. Much better than the Honda I cruised down with a few years ago :rofl:

Regarding your travel plans..... a few facts to help you decide/plan. If we make a stop in VA it'll be roughly a 6hr drive taking the more direct rt, but if I swing by Daves for anyreason, and one might be to pick someone up, it'll be closer to a 6.5-7 hr drive. Then it's about 7.5hrs to DGRRXI.

I don't know what your tolerance for driving is, or if you've got a set limit that you want to drive per day, but the outlets in ME aren't that far from me. Freeport is a little over 5 hrs away, Portland is a little under 5 hrs away. There are also some outlets in Clinton CT which are about an hr from me. So there are shopping options as well.

Since there are a few canadians in this thread, what are someo of your intended routes?

02-21-2011, 03:06 PM
Hey Chris, are you planning on shooting down for the Mitty at all? Looks like I'll be travelling with the family this year, so it'll be a trailer hitch for the Audi and a free ride for the RX7. Not sure where we will be on what day, but will probably make a week of it at least. :)


02-21-2011, 05:26 PM
I have to plan a route for the caravan I'll be leading. I'm not doing the Detroit I-75 route this year. Have to sit down and look at our options....

02-21-2011, 07:13 PM
I haven't committed myself to it yet, but am certainly considering it. I have two weeks booked off work, so providing the car doesn't break AGAIN I think I'll go check it out. I kind of want to head to the Keys, but I doubt that will happen this year.

02-21-2011, 11:24 PM
Which other Caravan? The canucks? They generally take a route that is much farther inland. The VA guys? There's 2 VA caravans that I know of, then there are a few of us that are thinking about driving to TX to "meet" someone before heading the DGRRXI :rofl: So yeah, lemme know what you're planning, would love to cruise down with ya. And I haven't even mentioned this to any of my Jersery/NY friends yet and there is another guy right herre in CT, about 10 minutes away from me so it's gonna be fucking aweseome. Much better than the Honda I cruised down with a few years ago :rofl:

Regarding your travel plans..... a few facts to help you decide/plan. If we make a stop in VA it'll be roughly a 6hr drive taking the more direct rt, but if I swing by Daves for anyreason, and one might be to pick someone up, it'll be closer to a 6.5-7 hr drive. Then it's about 7.5hrs to DGRRXI.

I don't know what your tolerance for driving is, or if you've got a set limit that you want to drive per day, but the outlets in ME aren't that far from me. Freeport is a little over 5 hrs away, Portland is a little under 5 hrs away. There are also some outlets in Clinton CT which are about an hr from me. So there are shopping options as well.

Since there are a few canadians in this thread, what are someo of your intended routes?

The leading candidate was one of the VA caravan's that was mentioned in that other thread, but we're still a bit flexible. The other Canadians are two far inland. I'm just excited not to be doing the entire down and back as a single car this year.

We've allocated 3 days to get down there, which is around 8 hours per day. For the trip home, we're doing it in two days, which will be more like 14+ hours per day (+ time to stop for meals, gas etc.)
I've got a pretty high tolerance for putting miles on, but, I have 2 other (at least) cars I need to account for, plus my better half likes to have her meals at the proper times, get out of the car and stretch etc.
On the way down, Freeport happens to be about 8 hours from home, so it's a convenient stopping point for the first day, and then do a bit of shopping etc.
On the Wednesday, the ideal would be to travel within a radius of about 8 hours of Freeport (+ or -) that will have us within meet-up distance of a Thursday caravan. If that makes sense.
But, being Canadian, we'd be pretty easy going on the details.

02-22-2011, 12:54 AM
It does, I was planning on leaving late Wednesday night and getting to VA late... midnight late... and driving the remaining on Thursday with the other caravans. Hmmmm, details to follow I guess. looks liek we'll be hooking up somewhere in the VA area. Still gotta find out if Jeff or Kyle are riding with me... oh the planning....

02-22-2011, 07:31 AM
TTT--I am flying in to TN. I am staying in TN until Tuesday. I will open up a ebay auction to my stake in caravan down. :001_005:

There's 2 VA caravans that I know of, then there are a few of us that are thinking about driving to TX to "meet" someone before heading the DGRRXI
Only one person? :rofl:

02-22-2011, 07:57 AM
The VA Caravan for the 8's is starting to look good, the NJ 8's are going to meet up with us, so we may be 15 strong depending on the 7's, we may be possibly larger than that. PM me for my phone number as we get closer.

02-22-2011, 08:12 AM
I so wish i could make this year.

02-22-2011, 10:21 AM
TTT--I am flying in to TN. I am staying in TN until Tuesday. I will open up a ebay auction to my stake in caravan down. :001_005:

Cool.... can't believe you're not driving though, that's fairly lame. You staying with family the entire time? How close to NVNC are they?

There's 2 VA caravans that I know of, then there are a few of us that are thinking about driving to TX to "meet" someone before heading the DGRRXI
Only one person? :rofl:

Only one, but with the ego of........ 3 :suspect:

The VA Caravan for the 8's is starting to look good, the NJ 8's are going to meet up with us, so we may be 15 strong depending on the 7's, we may be possibly larger than that. PM me for my phone number as we get closer.

Nice, the TNC crew make up most of those Jersey folks?

02-22-2011, 10:43 AM
It's a friend and his family. Meeting them at a lake that's about 4 hours from dgrr

Thought there are two people in tx that you would Luke to make friends with:rofl:

02-22-2011, 07:14 PM
Only one, but with the ego of........ 3 :suspect:

Nice, the TNC crew make up most of those Jersey folks?

Are you saying I have a big ego????:auto::auto:

I am not sure who TNC is, the caravan I am thinking of is from the 8 Club NJ folks.

02-22-2011, 07:34 PM
It's a friend and his family. Meeting them at a lake that's about 4 hours from dgrr

Thought there are two people in tx that you would Luke to make friends with:rofl:


One I don't need to meet, I may actually scalp him and come home with a trophy :rofl:

Am I Luke missing something???

Are you saying I have a big ego????:auto::auto:

I am not sure who TNC is, the caravan I am thinking of is from the 8 Club NJ folks.

No, we're talking about someone else from the Evil Forum

TNC + Tuesday Night Crew, a group of rotary nutbags that meet every tuesday at a Fourbucks in Jersey, then we go to Fridays (I think) for a few cocktails/nacho's then I drive 80 minutes home.

03-15-2011, 12:09 PM
Haha.. I'll have to talk to the better half, but perhaps a small reception by Canadians could be in order.
We have folks locally that I think get RX7s just so they can come out to our little meets that she caters.

And we're not THAT boring.. just dealing with stupidly drunk people and late-night engines revving gets old once we decide to call it a night.

I'm in. Let's have a get together at our cabin. God knows, we have the room.

03-15-2011, 08:20 PM
FYI- we just drink, we don't rev our engines late at night.

Nobody want to hear a 12a screaming to 8K past midnight.

And I almost never Sharpie anyone. I don't even know who photoshopped that pic, but they did a good job :D

03-21-2011, 01:30 PM
It does, I was planning on leaving late Wednesday night and getting to VA late... midnight late... and driving the remaining on Thursday with the other caravans. Hmmmm, details to follow I guess. looks liek we'll be hooking up somewhere in the VA area. Still gotta find out if Jeff or Kyle are riding with me... oh the planning....

Figured I would get this back on topic. Sat down and worked out some plans with the FB in my group. (I've totally lost track of what my friend with the FD is doing.. he's all over the place, so...)
Plan now is still to Freeport on Day one, then on day two, since there really isn't anything else to do other than cover ground, is try to make it as far south into Virginia as we can, to make the drive on Thursday a reasonable distance that will get us in early enough to have some fun that night.
So, really, just need to figure out what is a good target destination for Wed night to be able to meet up with you and some of the other folks.

Still trying to recruit a few more cars local to me to come, but screw'em if they if they don't know what they are missing.

As a result, still have some beds free in our cabin.