View Full Version : What should I do?? Gauge idea.

01-31-2011, 09:01 PM
So I've been wanting to get rid of my ash tray for some time to help me keep from smoking. I was thinking of Getting the rb ashtray kit and use my own gauges. Im gonna keep that on the back burner for a few. I also planed on getting one of the kits to connect my phone to the stero.

Here's my idea. I've seen on this site that some one made a gauge holder that holds two gauges inside the ash tray. But the stock ash tray cover still opens and closes.
I was gonna try to make my own or find that guy and try to offer him money lol. Realized also on a first date or some other times hiding those mite make things better lol

Well today I was sitting In my car and realized if you ground off the little lift tab in the lid the iPhone could mount to the front and still open enough not to block the gauges and closes with plenty of room. You just need to press the top of the ash tray door and it opens lol my phone fell behind, the double sided tape didn't hold that great, that sucked.

So I was just gonna grind off that lift tab mold the holder with the link cable conector in it . Still need to work out little details.

So here's my real problem I'll only be able to get two gauges in there. But I want water temp oil pressure and oil temp.

Dose any one make a dual oil temp oil pressure gauges. I know there's digital ones that can display like 4 things at once but there like 2-3 hundred for the gauge. Then u have to get a control unit and sending units so just for oil temp pressure it be like 4-6 hundred for that one gauge...... I'm thinking some thing like the dual egt gauge pineapple racing sells.

What should I do
Racing beat and my choice of gauges. Still would need to find a place for the iphone4.

I make everything and find a dual gauge for oil. is what I really want but don't see it happen on the gauge for some thing not stupid to pay.

Use rev on the iPhone for water gauge. And two gauges for oil.this I could do cheapest and would give me alot more then water. But most of the other stuff is over kill I'm na. That and any time I want to check the oil I would have to switch back and forth.

I did some math and if I could find a dual gauge for the cost of the two or little more they would all cost me roughly the same. Racing beat plate i dont really wanna do but but if it dosent work out ill just do it.I just been dieing to find a mount for the cell and this would be the best place for me at least.

What would u do.

02-14-2011, 10:17 AM
Well the thing is that you may do all the work only to find out that it is not good or you hate it. Go with the racing beat kit, gauges and all, and be done with it. And on the first date thing, are you gounna want to start a relationship with someone who hates your car?

07-27-2011, 01:16 PM
get the gauges Ben and stop smoking

07-27-2011, 03:51 PM
Well the thing is that you may do all the work only to find out that it is not good or you hate it. Go with the racing beat kit, gauges and all, and be done with it. And on the first date thing, are you gounna want to start a relationship with someone who hates your car?
Who said anything about a relationship? :o13:

11-14-2011, 02:08 AM
so ... what did you end up doing?