View Full Version : transplant from other forum

03-28-2008, 05:09 PM
I have been a member of another well known RX7 forum for 2 years now. I have learned alot from that forum I have gotten sick of the constant threads asking questions that have been covered a thousand times. It has become quite hard to find any useful information there. So I figured why not check out RotaryCarClub. So far I am liking what I see.

Well enough about that. Now to introduce myself. I am a 25 year old box truck driver for a local mailing house. I have owned my Brilliant Black 87 TII for a little over 2 years now. This is a car that I have been really close to for about half of its life sofar. My best friend bought this car in about 98 from the original owner. It was in mint original condition (no mods or removed parts) He owned the car for about 2 years then traded it for a POS Corvette. This is where I lost track of the car for about 4 years. My friend was crusing around in Keene (NH) one night and happened to see 6 rx's sitting in a parking lot. He stopped and talked to the owners and one of them just happened to know where his car was, and it was for sale! He bought it back and kept it for just under a year, sold it to another friend (who failed to pay) and repo'ed it. It sat for about 6 months cause it wouldn't run. Being fed up and knowing nothing about rotary motors he calls me up one day and asks me if I want the TII. FOR FREE!!!! All I have to do is transport it.

So I get it to my house and instantly go to the internet, knowing that forums usually have plenty of info. I find the "other forum" and start reading. After two weeks of reading everything I could i start working. Turned out to be that the wiring for the fuel pump had been frayed by the airbox. Fix said problem, pour some gas in the tank and prime the motor (a lil 2 stroke) and she started no prob. Hurray for me, free RX and it runs!

I have done many mods since then, that will be in my sig later. Thanks for reading and see you around.


03-28-2008, 05:12 PM
Best story ever. Free car that runs. :clap: welcome to the forum.

I mentioned this in another thread but since this is a new forum, your searches will not yield very much right now. It's up to us to create threads for the NEW noobies to search for.

I'll be doing my part over the next few months so if we all do the same this place will be the a good source of rotary info.

03-28-2008, 09:07 PM
Yeah, I am hoping that since this site is new there won't be as much redundancy. SEARCH has to be pushed hard on the new noobs. That is all i got for responses the first three months of posting on "the other forum" but now I think people have given up and think that answering the same questions over and over is easier.

03-28-2008, 11:48 PM
Welcome, welcome.

This site is much better, and friendlier than the other said club.

Also, I know most people on the other forum said to "search" about almost everything. But what wasn't realized is that, there were so many threads about everything that even when searching, it took massive amounts of time to find any information.

03-29-2008, 12:46 PM

04-01-2008, 12:46 PM
Can't beat free. Welcome!

04-01-2008, 01:31 PM
holy cow, yeah, I thought I got a good deal (I did), but a free running TII FTMFW

04-03-2008, 07:59 PM
Yeah, the second I got it running I called him and rubbed it in his nose so hard. He was all "WTF?" It was great. But he threw in a stipulation when he gave it to me. If I ever want to get rid of the car it has to go back to him. Oh well, I just won't get rid of it. ALL MINE!!

04-03-2008, 08:53 PM
If I ever want to get rid of the car it has to go back to him. Oh well, I just won't get rid of it. ALL MINE!!
