View Full Version : Thread size request please!

01-08-2011, 04:28 PM
I need the thread size of a bolt that goes bottom right corner rear iron that the tranny bolts up to. If that makes any sense.

Right there.

Its an S4/S5 NA engine.

I think the same tread size goes to the bottom starter bolt hole too.

This really amazes me because Ive done a handful of rebuilds and this is the 1st time it seems that I never had a bolt in my possession that should go there.

01-08-2011, 04:54 PM
All the tranny bolts are the same size pitch/thread. M10x1.25 I believe.... just grab any of the others and head off to the hardware store

01-08-2011, 07:09 PM

Man That was weird and annoying.

So 1st I already put a bolt in there, then while I was looking for a bolt for the starter, I thought maybe the bolt I had on the other side was the one, so I take it out and find the bolt threads all effed up. So then I go through all the extra tranny bolts I have and try them on my spare iron, non of them go. wtf? So my roommate finds a bolt from his extra bolts bin that works. Well that's taken care of but I still need a bolt for the starter. I find one that I'm sure that the thread size is right, but it doesn't go in. I look at carefully and find one ring of the threads buggered up. So I force it thinking since its the right threads it should work it self out. Bad Idea. So I end up doing a heli-coil job on it. It turned out a little crooked and wasn't tightening on the starter. So I oblonged the hole on the starter, and it work out.

Just getting that starter installed took me 3 hours.

I'm very f#@%ing disappointed.