View Full Version : Blew a coolant seal what route should I go

01-05-2011, 01:58 AM
So I currently have a 86 gxl with a 6 port turbo setup

Currently I have the following installed
Walbro 255lph
Hks Filter
Portmatched and Milled TII LIM
550cc injectors
Aeromotive FPR
Emissions removed
AC/PS Removed
Rtek 2.1
Greddy Wideband
Autometer Boost Gauge
Greddy Pyrometer
S5 Turbo
Bonez Downpipe
Throttlebody mod
RP Precat replacement
-6 an ss Fuel lines
FD alternator
Exedy clutch
Recirculated Greddy RS
Air to water intercooler
Greddy turbo timer
New engine harness
Black magic efan

So I have a few options it looks like I can get away with a soft gasket replacement kit from atkins for about $150 keep my current setup and go from there.

On the other hand a lot of what I have is way overkill for what I currently have I could sell my A2W kit and Rtek rebuild the motor with 8.5 rotors and toss a stock topmount and ecu in there and be happy. :302:

I could go back to N/a rock a bridgeport use the Rtek to tune or go carb with a weber 48 ida and sell all of my turbo stuff get a lot of money back and have a peppy N/a engine.

Most of what I mentioned is obviously not that easy but I am open to suggestions as this forum is a bit more "open minded and not so flame happy" as the evil forum :P


01-05-2011, 03:43 AM
Your never gonna want to take a step backwards dude so n/a is out of the question. I'd just freshen it up give it a decent extend port and put it back together.

FC Zach
01-05-2011, 04:10 AM
:iagree: I'm an N/A guy and absolutely love it but if I had exactly what you have already invested in, I wouldn't go through the hassle of reversing mods to accommodate an N/A set-up.

01-05-2011, 09:21 AM
Well looks like I am going to stay turbo I guess my next question is what I should keep and what I should sell?

Should I keep my 9.4 rotors or go down to 8.5? Toss a stock ecu/topmount and be done so I can save up for a stand alone?