View Full Version : My TPS is broken!

03-27-2008, 06:21 PM
Okay, My TPS is fine... But it got you in here... You were about to flame me.. WEREN'T you!

Anyways, Phoenix7 told me to introduce myself.. most of you have seen me around on rx7club/nopistons, but.. incase you haven't.. My name is Micah (used to be MicahEli). I have a 91 NA and an 82 GSL-esque 7. I'm most well known for my current build-up thread... http://www.rx7club.com/showthread.php?t=689442

I'm president of the local club (www.rpnw.org) here in the greater portland metro area, and I'm all around a pretty good guy. I also host RotorWiki if you've heard of it: http://www.rotorwiki.com. Sorry for the shameless plugging, I honestly haven't read any of the rules/regulations.. so if thats a biggy, edit it out. :)

Anyways.. I hope this makes Phoenix7 happy enough... :) Good to see a forum that is devoted to anti-stupidity, good post titles/subjects (unlike this one), and having relevant information thats easy to search for.

Party on and stuff.


Turbo II
03-27-2008, 06:41 PM
You need TPS for your... wait.

Hey man, good to see you on here.

No worries on plugging your sites.

Everyone here so far has been well behaved, 'cept for Phil. He's, well... hah!

03-27-2008, 06:47 PM
Hey micah. :D

03-27-2008, 07:13 PM

I don't think you need to worry about links and stuff like that on here though, I'm repping rotorwiki without any problems. BTW: I found an old video of my Motoria 3" exhaust to add to the exhaust section.

Last I remember you were taking a break. How's the project coming along?

btW, i've been here for a few days and have been postwhoring my heart out. Next thing I knew i had 100 posts! :lol:

03-27-2008, 07:43 PM
Sweet! thanks for the kind words peeps. I'll try and add a good contribution to the site. All while stealing the info and copying it to rotorwiki simultaneously. :)

The project is still on hold until I finish a landscaping project I got myself balls-deep into. I'm not a homeowner.. but I play one on TV.

So, how does somebody go about becoming moderator? I had no desire to become one on RX7club because of the crazies and such.. Hard to take anything on that forum too serious. but this one I wouldn't mind contributing to! Anyways.. no hurry. I'll make sure to show my worth first..

03-27-2008, 09:24 PM
Hey, I'm the guy that showed up to one of your meetings and briefly introduced my self, then ended up talking to Adam and Marc the whole night. lol

how is the car coming along?

03-27-2008, 09:57 PM
Hey, I'm the guy that showed up to one of your meetings and briefly introduced my self, then ended up talking to Adam and Marc the whole night. lol

how is the car coming along?

Hi there! Not really sure who you are... I meet a lot of peole and I'm terrible with names. the car project is not going right now.. I need to unthaw the chassis from the winter. :) Throw down another layer of primer, sand it out then color/clear... I'm just waiting for temps to rise a smidge.

03-27-2008, 10:19 PM
I'm the guy with a 95 FD, I was about an inch away from buying a MOTEC EMS for my car, but Marc and Adam talked me out of it.

I'll see you at the next meeting, hopefully I'll drive my 91' GXL

03-27-2008, 10:42 PM
See ya then!

03-27-2008, 10:58 PM
Welcome!! I clicked on, ready to BAN you!!! LOL!

Everyone here so far has been well behaved, 'cept for Phil. He's, well... hah!

Phil who?? Me?? :reddevil:??

LOL! I been mis behaving all day today:)

03-27-2008, 11:04 PM
Welcome from the resident post whore :)

03-28-2008, 04:01 AM
^ see post count and join date for confirmation.:smilielol5: