View Full Version : Prometheus comming ofver from the "other" forums

03-27-2008, 11:54 AM
Hey guys, I'm just taking the time to introduce myself.

Over on the "Other" forums I'm known as sk8erpunk1983, I changed my name to something to suite my car.

teh other name was just the beginning of my old e-mail adress.

my real name is Jesse, I'm still learning a lot, so please bear in there with me when I ask the occasional dumb question.

Thanks guys for everything you have done with these forums, the other ones have really been going down hill for quite some time.

03-27-2008, 12:19 PM

03-27-2008, 12:31 PM
Welcome to the site.

03-27-2008, 02:00 PM
jeez, I just read my post, and noticed all my spelling errors.

sorry about that.

I'll also take a little time to tell you about my cars.

I have a 1995 Brilliant Black Base Model, that is currently not running (The money pit)

and I also have a 1991 GXL that runs perfectly, its only problem is that it isn't fast enough. (lol)

I'm most on the forums to learn as much as I possibly can (to learn from others mistakes, to save myself from making the same ones.)

As for FD things:

I am a fan of the Seq. twins, and plan on keeping them. (BNR Stage III's) I do not dislike people that convert to single turbo engines, I just think it detracts from the original attitude that the Mazda Engineers had in mind with this car, and that is the Spirit that I'm trying to keep in mind with my car.

These cars were meant to be swift on there feet, add too much power and you lose a lot of the handling characteristics that is this cars claim to fame. (thus my goal is 350-400 RWHP)

I will never convert to a piston power plant (I also do not judge those who do)

Thats pretty much it, the rest I'm still changing my mind about quite frequently.

03-28-2008, 04:09 AM
Welcome to the new standard in manufacturer specific websites. :)

03-28-2008, 10:50 AM
You can obtain a lot of the characteristics of the twins and have an overall better setup in for you FD by going single. Small singles like ASpecs 500r still have close to the same responsiveness of the twins, create a wider power band, reduce heat in your engine bay by using stainless steel manifolds, and achieve greater power numbers as opposed to the twins. You should do some more research on the matter.

Anywho, welcome! Love the name, Prometheus is one of my favorite philosophers, and even Plato considered him to be the smartest man he ever met.

Proxy One
03-28-2008, 11:13 AM
歓迎 Konichiwa

03-28-2008, 04:45 PM
Welcome. Whatever questions you have will be answered as fast as possible. Since searching won't yield very much right now I'd recommend making CONCISE and DETAILED thread titles so those who may know the answer can help you and those searching (in the future) will find it easily.

03-29-2008, 12:47 PM

03-29-2008, 05:17 PM
Thanks Guys (and possibly gals...)

I'll do my best to be a good new member, by cross referencing as much information as I possibly can. Before asking questions that have readily available answers.

Mostly my interest has been in the 13B-RE UIM/ LIM conversion.

03-29-2008, 05:32 PM
You can obtain a lot of the characteristics of the twins and have an overall better setup in for you FD by going single. Small singles like ASpecs 500r still have close to the same responsiveness of the twins, create a wider power band, reduce heat in your engine bay by using stainless steel manifolds, and achieve greater power numbers as opposed to the twins. You should do some more research on the matter.

Anywho, welcome! Love the name, Prometheus is one of my favorite philosophers, and even Plato considered him to be the smartest man he ever met.

The reason I am a fan of the twins is not for power, but for the thought that was put into them. The Seq. twins are as unique as the rotary engine its self.

As for the Heat issues of the twins, that is just another challenge that requires careful research and planning to overcome. (but it can be done)

I don't want to stray too far away from the car's original Intent, I just want to "free its spirit" and let the car be all it can be with what it was originally given.

The FD is more than enough of a car for me. (Stock)

I have little experience driving light weight and powerful cars. And to become obsessed with outrageous HP numbers is a sure way to distroy my car, and possibly injure myself or others (on the track)

I will definately research the advantages of the Single turbo conversions, before I completely wright them off as "not being an option"

Thanks for all the positive replies.

03-29-2008, 06:13 PM
I have little experience driving light weight and powerful cars. And to become obsessed with outrageous HP numbers is a sure way to distroy my car, and possibly injure myself or others (on the track)

Glad to see a down-to-earth person. :icon_tup:

03-29-2008, 09:22 PM

04-01-2008, 10:25 PM
ya i agree with you the seq turbos are sweet. but i myself love the na. not to much power being put to the pavement but whit different gearing, porting, well built exhaust, and wonderful suspension. not to mention a lot of light weight components ie lightweight clutch flywheel and other odds and ends it makes for a dream on the autox.

04-02-2008, 02:29 AM
The reason I am a fan of the twins is not for power, but for the thought that was put into them. The Seq. twins are as unique as the rotary engine its self.

As for the Heat issues of the twins, that is just another challenge that requires careful research and planning to overcome. (but it can be done)

I don't want to stray too far away from the car's original Intent, I just want to "free its spirit" and let the car be all it can be with what it was originally given.

The FD is more than enough of a car for me. (Stock)

I have little experience driving light weight and powerful cars. And to become obsessed with outrageous HP numbers is a sure way to distroy my car, and possibly injure myself or others (on the track)

I will definately research the advantages of the Single turbo conversions, before I completely wright them off as "not being an option"

Thanks for all the positive replies.

From what I have gathered from my limited research on single turbo upgrades and the stock turbos, there is absolutely no reason to stay with the twins unless you are just limited on funds. You're thinking too much about the hardcore singles people do. The thing is, no matter what you desire out of a boosted engine, there is a turbo out there just for your. Technology in turbochargers are great like that.

04-02-2008, 09:37 AM

I'm actually heading over to Seattle/Vancouver area in 3 weeks.

Regarding twin vs single... I'm a twin kind of a guy. Would love to see some pics of your cars/project!

04-03-2008, 05:26 PM

I'm actually heading over to Seattle/Vancouver area in 3 weeks.

Regarding twin vs single... I'm a twin kind of a guy. Would love to see some pics of your cars/project!


I'd like to show you my actual car, if you are up to it!

If you have some free time, I can take you down to Pineapple Racing, and grab a few beers in Portland.

04-04-2008, 11:27 PM
Pictures from when I bought my FD




