View Full Version : 496rwhp FC3S

10-15-2010, 10:46 PM
Large Port 2nd gen
TD61( 1.15 P trim GT35R BB)
400cc 50/50 water alcohol with 91 pump
3" exhaust, open waste gate
HKS DLI, Greddy 10s

Ran out of fuel at 5200~ish rpms as you can see the torque curve drops off. Peak torque was 467. Pump is a rewired single walbro. Going to be adding a 2nd possibly, or lowering the boost pressure. Didn't really think this thing would make this much power. Probably following up with a completed dyno etc..

Turbo http://www.turblown.net/store/index.php?productID=10

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs831.snc4/69188_451164253684_184924248684_5268188_5974922_n. jpg

10-16-2010, 12:35 AM
What is the full spec on that car? Nice figures though :)

10-18-2010, 05:55 PM
What is the full spec on that car? Nice figures though :)

Its a gutted road race car, with cage and full fluids weighs 2600lbs on our scales. Usual stuff, Ksport coilovers, Bomex bodykit, 4" cold air intake, 4 core FMIC, 550/1680cc injectors, Haltech e6k, etc...

Not sure what else you want to know for specs?

We are plumbing dual walbros and doing some bushings right now..

Going back to the dyno next week...

10-21-2010, 09:46 PM
Congrats on the numbers!

Could you post ignition timing and AFR?

Maybe you could log injector energizing time so that we can add it to our BSFC spreadsheet. Or maybe determine fuel rate more accurately using a scale.

10-30-2010, 12:30 AM
Ignition timing is around 8 degrees on the top end at full boost. That should give you an idea of the timing map...

23psi and a little leaner...

11-10-2010, 09:06 PM
Could you post AFR during that pull?

11-11-2010, 12:15 AM
10.7 AFR past 20psi