10-15-2010, 10:46 PM
Large Port 2nd gen
TD61( 1.15 P trim GT35R BB)
400cc 50/50 water alcohol with 91 pump
3" exhaust, open waste gate
HKS DLI, Greddy 10s
Ran out of fuel at 5200~ish rpms as you can see the torque curve drops off. Peak torque was 467. Pump is a rewired single walbro. Going to be adding a 2nd possibly, or lowering the boost pressure. Didn't really think this thing would make this much power. Probably following up with a completed dyno etc..
Turbo http://www.turblown.net/store/index.php?productID=10
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs831.snc4/69188_451164253684_184924248684_5268188_5974922_n. jpg
TD61( 1.15 P trim GT35R BB)
400cc 50/50 water alcohol with 91 pump
3" exhaust, open waste gate
HKS DLI, Greddy 10s
Ran out of fuel at 5200~ish rpms as you can see the torque curve drops off. Peak torque was 467. Pump is a rewired single walbro. Going to be adding a 2nd possibly, or lowering the boost pressure. Didn't really think this thing would make this much power. Probably following up with a completed dyno etc..
Turbo http://www.turblown.net/store/index.php?productID=10
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs831.snc4/69188_451164253684_184924248684_5268188_5974922_n. jpg