View Full Version : Tps

09-16-2010, 07:15 AM
I'm building my own throttle body and i'm to the point where i need to choose a TPS so i can design the mount for it, and how it will read it. At first I was going to use the FD TPS, but there not always so easy to come by.

Anyone want to recommend a good TPS that can universally used?

09-16-2010, 08:47 AM
Usually any rotational TPS available for any number of domestic and foreign models. There's a lot of possibilities out there and it really depends on your needs.
ask yourself the following:

is there a specific rotation I need from the TPS (CCW or CW)
is there a specific voltage or resistance range I need
is there a specific price range I would like to keep within
is there a particular failure mode with the TPS I want

There's obviously more to it than that, but those will point you in the right direction.

09-16-2010, 09:35 AM
Very good points.

I will want it to rotate clockwise ( if your looking at the actual rotating section that fits to the TB, Not the back side you can see when bolted on). As far as price goes, I wouldnt want it to be more than $30 so if i ever was to produce this TB set-up, I could keep the cost down. These will be used on a Microtech, which can basically handle any type of TPS, so valtage/resistnce will not matter.

I been looking at the 97-95 Mustang one. There only 20 bucks shipped, with plenty to spare on eBay. And I'm sure I can find them elsewhere without a problem.

Would anyone here happen to know if they spin CCW, or CW?

09-16-2010, 12:10 PM
Found out everything I need to know with a whole lot of google searching. Found a nice TPS that will work perfect and is nicely priced and readily available...