View Full Version : MSD 6al and s-2tep

08-20-2010, 10:45 PM
I'm running a Jacobs FC1000 right now, which is basically the same thing as a MSD 6a. I want to run a MSD 2-step so I can have a controlled launch every time. I have searched all over on how to put in a 2-step, and just about every thread or piece of information says something different. Very contradictory and confusing when trying to learn...

So to make it easier on myself, I'm think of just swapping the FC1000 for a MSD 6al. Not the new 6al-2, but the older 6al. These come with a built in slot for a rev-limiter "pill". But i think instead of running a pill there, I can just plug an MSD 2-step in and be good to go.

But the main problem I think is that I will have the 6al wired to my leading coil pack only. So will the 2-step work, or give me the same effect, if the trailing coils arnt touched at all by this?

08-21-2010, 12:51 AM
Not going to work.
The trailings are still going to push the motor past the rev limit no problem.
You need to address the two more channels on the trailings or cut the trailings off all together.


08-21-2010, 11:43 AM
I have seen a few people run 2 relays (one to each T coil) to shut them off when the 2-step hits. I'm gonna look into that.

08-21-2010, 01:59 PM
Yes, that seems to be the "cheap" option.
You'll need a rev switch, set that switch to cut the trailing coils off just under the MSD rev limit, and you should be good to go...


08-21-2010, 10:57 PM
You mean one of these?


08-21-2010, 11:41 PM
Yep, that'll work.
Summit Racing (I'm sure Jegs too?) also makes their "house brand" RPM switch for a little cheaper.


08-22-2010, 10:45 AM
I think this is the way I'll go. And just cause I like my shirt to match my shoes, I'll keep it all MSD... lol

Since I have never wired in a 2-step with an RPM switch (or any 2-step) before... You wanna give me a head up on how to do this? MSD diagrams never work for our cars.

08-22-2010, 12:37 PM
I haven't done it myself.
It's been documented on the evil forum many times.

I don't know the exact wiring colors, but you want to interrupt the power to the trailing coil with the RPM switch.
Most will set the RPM switch slightly under your actual rev limit on the leadings.
I would suggest you experiement to get the settings right.

The trailings will push the motor over the leadings with the rev cut on the leadings.
Having the trailings cut out too late will induce overun.


08-22-2010, 04:59 PM
All of the ones i can find on the "evil forum", use 2 random relays. None use the rpm activation switch.

I ordered the 2-step and RPM activation switch today. I wanna get a jump on how I'm going to set this thing up. So i drew up this diagram. Since i already know how to install the 6al, disregard that portion... My question refers to wiring the RPM switch to the trailing coils... I'm am not sure where the yellow and gray wires go to. And I'm guessing i can hook up the red wire to any 12v power source?

I am unsure if i am supposed to hook these wires to the ignitor wires, or the wires (+) or (-) terminals on the coils, or both? or what? Help here would be great... I'm pretty sure everything else in my little drawing is correct though.


08-22-2010, 08:08 PM
Here is the diagram i found on the other forum using dual relays...


08-23-2010, 06:23 AM
Godwin's law on the relay diagram!

08-23-2010, 08:53 AM
^huh? You lost me with that one...

08-23-2010, 09:04 AM

It was just a joke. Though I think the wiring diagram is an unfortunate coincidence.