View Full Version : My electrical gremlin.

06-13-2010, 03:02 AM
So recently I pulled out my dash to re seal the ac ducting and re route some wires off my suspension controller. All went well until it came to reinstalling my stereo and suspension controller.

Now I know I should have tested this with a multi meter but I didn't have one at the time. Confirmed 12v+ by earthing it out and soldered the wires in. Joined the earth up that I had installed whilst the dash was out. Then came the acc wire. I earthed it out, nothing. Turned key to acc and it earthed out. Cool soldered it up. Replaced the radio fuse and the room fuse. No good. I can hardwire the radio and suspension controller to the 12v+ and turn it on and off manually but I don't want that.

So wtf could have happened. All fuses seem good? On a side note after this my power windows have stopped. Have yet to pull the door trims and see whats going on there, I'm unsure if it is related. I think the switch may have just died as its getting 12V at the fusebox.

Hoping to get an idea before I have to mess around running an acc wire off the ignition pigtail, something has to have failed.

06-15-2010, 12:57 PM
Something's up with your accessory wire. Did you blow an engine bay fuse when you grounded it out? I'd double check to make sure you still have accessory powering your units. The only other possibility that I can think of would be that you ran too small a wire and the current fried the wire.

06-18-2010, 12:38 AM
Stereo is up and running. Windows however aren't.

After some testing, its getting 12V to the fuse, but nothing at the door loom plug. There are no melted wires and the fuse is fine so it must be a plug in there somewhere, or one in the dash that I haven't connected properly and has come loose. Anyone got ideas? I tried following the wire but it dissapears into the massive loom

06-19-2010, 11:01 PM
Well I've found the problem, but it's kind of strange. Checked for continuity from the cpu to the door loom plug. Good. So I had another look at the fuse box and noticed that there is only half metal bit the fuse clips into there. So I undid the fuse box expecting to see a wire that had popped out, but there isn't one in sight. WTF is going on here.

06-19-2010, 11:08 PM
They're usually common wires in the fuses. You're best bet is to break out the electrical wiring diagrams in the FSM and start checking that way.

06-19-2010, 11:35 PM
I'll try and explain what I mean. If you pull the fuse out you look in and normally see 2 metal clip type things that hold the fuse in well my window one only has 1. That one has no continuity with my power window circut meaning that there should be the black and red wire that runs to my door loom plug and connects my windows connected to this fuse. But it is no where in sight and my windows worked the other day.

06-20-2010, 12:05 AM
Well I have no clue how this works from here. The black red wire that runs from my door plug runs to the CPU. Now I have no idea what wire runs from the fuse box to the CPU.

06-20-2010, 12:36 AM
So I got the shits and put it all back together, there is no fuse in the window slot as I saw no point with only 1 connection behind it and my windows start working WTF. Guess i just hope they keep working

06-26-2010, 02:19 PM
I got two manual window cranks I can sell you....

$250 shipped. :leaving:

06-26-2010, 06:02 PM
Well given that would involve butchering my door trims, and the fact that I like power windows and they started working ill pass, but thanks anyway

06-27-2010, 01:41 PM
I was kidding on the price... but I do have them. PS: Manual door trims are nice and light... I wish I had the driver's side, right now I only have the passenger side one.