View Full Version : Hello from the home of the rotary!

06-09-2010, 09:00 AM
Or at least the home of Mazda! Dave, aka soldave here from Okinawa in Southern Japan. Have been told this is a very good place to come for good solid information, which is just what I need for my first step into rotaries.

Picked up a non-starting 1991 S5 TII FC back in February, and have been working through a bunch of problems it had, learning plenty along the way. Prior to having this car I had a daily driver/drag racing 1992 Mitsubishi Evo I, which I loved but which met a very untimely death (more on that another time).

Today my FC went to my garage to get inspected and registering for tags so it will be legal on the roads and I can drive it around. It needs some work, along with some love & care, but for the price I paid for it I'm pretty damn pleased with the results so far. Haven't even got it over 3,000rpm yet though as today was the first time it had actually been driven above 2nd gear in over a year, so I was wanting to baby it as much as I can for the first few hundred clicks. That way any potential problems will come up before I start putting my foot down.

Brakes & tires are shot from being stood for a year, but I have some Star Specs ordered, as well as some new rotors and pads. Other than that it's got solid motor mounts (I think, installed by the previous owner), coilovers (JIC on the front and Tein at the back), and a few other bits.

Gregory Casimir
06-09-2010, 09:45 AM
Nice 7 and welcome

06-10-2010, 08:58 AM
So where are you stationed? LOL I was at Kadena Nov 00 to Nov 03. There were quite a few rotary guys on Kadena when I was there, and the majority of them had FCs.

Nice FC!

06-10-2010, 09:00 AM
Good guess, but wrong! I'm a civilian working as a teacher and dive instructor. Saying that, plenty of my buddies here are US servicemembers.

A fair few rotaries here, but most are FD's these days. Only ever see a couple of FCs on the road.