View Full Version : WTB:Parts for 91 vert

spankle my wankle
05-20-2010, 07:13 PM
Looking for the following:
Switch trim right above the armrest that holds the vert switch and headrest speaker control (needs to have pegs intact).

Prices shipped to 37086 or pm. Thanks.

05-21-2010, 07:40 AM
Do you need a CPU or an ECU? There is a difference.

I have some Corbeau seats still, no rails, but you can work that out.

Looky here--> http://www.topsonline.com/index.php?DepartmentID=100&CarID=8700&CarmodelID=804000

The second section has just the rear top section without a new window for a good price.

spankle my wankle
05-23-2010, 12:02 AM
CPU...they may be different in different years/models but they all use the same flasher switch which controls the turn signals...I didnt wanna pay $90 to get one from Mazdatrix so I just bought a CPU for $40.

I've seen those tops but I was kinda hoping to get one that i didnt have to rope in the back window.

Also need a front and rear bumper.