View Full Version : Body rust and how to remove it.

05-15-2010, 02:03 PM
Im restoring a 90 gtus and it has rust in various locations around the body. I'd like to hear what the folks of RRC recommend at how to remove it or neutralize it. I know this car has body damage. I plan on painting this car sometime next month if Junpower isn't busy. I will be helping him with the prep and body work and he does the paint. The pics are in my album at http://rotarycarclub.com/rotary_forum/album.php?albumid=147

05-18-2010, 01:34 PM
where is the rust? there is some stuff you can use that will convert the rust so it doesnt spread. you can get it in a spray can, this stuff usually takes 2 light coats if i remember correctly. or there is a black liquid that comes in a small bottle that you can brush on. DO NOT GET IT ON YOUR PAINT. you should be able to get both at your local paint supply store. national coatings, H-O, etc.

Depending on where the rust is though you might be just as well off to cut it out and weld in a patch if youre handy.