View Full Version : Bay Area Rotary (BAR) Meet May 29th

05-14-2010, 10:25 PM
Bay Area Rotary (BAR) Meet May 29th


Orignial site

Offical May 2010 BAR Meet II
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Alright folks ! Lets do it again ! Rotorheads and Rotary fans !
This time we are going to the beach ! Ocean Beach that is. At 1000 Great Hwy, San Francisco, CA‎. Thats right. This will happen on May 29th on a Saturday 12:30PM
Hopefully the weather will remain nice and sunny I do except alot of traffic and possibly be packed. Bring a beach chair or a blanket to sit. Well have a photo shoot too. Any places to eat afterwards would be nice. Any locals with tips for good places to eat? Let me know. Its 2 weeks away. So we still can change it. But the week of the meet no changes will be made only if the weather decides to go dump showers on us. Hope to see ya'll out there!
And Please be respectful of the area and of others !
As always, NO drama. Leave that in your other pair of pants or shorts!

PS some folks from the rx7club are coming too.