View Full Version : Looking for a specific video from DGRRX

04-26-2010, 09:01 AM
Hey guys

As the title says, I'm in search of a specific video from Saturday. This video would have been shot by a 3rd gen owner (car was black, I believe). He had just started his run after leaving the turn-around, then stopped in the road to adjust his camera while I waited behind him. When he was ready to go, he waved me past him (not really sure why). I was driving the red fb, with RE-SPEED.COM across the top of the windshield.

After that, he chased me for a few miles through the twisties (which is what I'm hoping to see) before I pulled off and let him by. After that, I chased him for a bit until he hit a straight section, at which point he was, just, GONE!

Anyway, I wish I knew who you were but we didn't have a chance to meet. Very nice car, and freaky fast for sure. But if you have that video, I would really love to get a look at it. :driving:


04-26-2010, 09:19 AM
That would be me... I take all forms of credit card payment!! :) J/K I have lots of video but youtube only allows 10 mins and I have not installed any software yet to edit it down to 10 mins. If you have a very high speed connection I can post it for download, I think the file is about 1GB

I waved you by as I saw the RE-SPEED logo and knew this guy should be fast and make for a good video..

04-26-2010, 12:36 PM
LOL, thanks man. I hope I did not dissapoint. :)

I have a great connection, so whatever works best for you.

What kind of software do you have to download for editing footage? I always just use Windows Moviemaker, which is simple to use and works great. If you have Windows XP or newer, then you already have it.

04-27-2010, 01:10 AM
oh i remember ur car kent. i've been trying with no luck to find some taken by the guy in the black 8 that sat with me and a friend at arbys for lunch on saturday. him and his friend watched as we left. then caught up with us taking pix and or video.

05-06-2010, 04:32 PM
That would be me... I take all forms of credit card payment!! :) J/K I have lots of video but youtube only allows 10 mins and I have not installed any software yet to edit it down to 10 mins. If you have a very high speed connection I can post it for download, I think the file is about 1GB

I waved you by as I saw the RE-SPEED logo and knew this guy should be fast and make for a good video..

Any chance I could get you to post that for download? Internet speed is not an issue as long as I use one of the systems at home (work connection sucks). I'm going to have some racing buddies over for the weekend due to a two day autocross, and it would be cool if the video was available for a drunken review. :)

If not, then I'll just continue chewing my nails trying to be patient. lol :driving: