View Full Version : Can't wait till DGRR-2011

04-19-2010, 06:30 AM

Just wanted to say I had a great time at DGRR-X! This was the first year I was able to make the event, and it exceeded my expectations in every way - will definitely find a way to attend next year!

Kudos to Phil Sohn, the sponsors, and all the guys & gals who volunteered to help out - you did a fine job putting this together and your efforts were greatly appreciated.

It was a pleasure meeting so many like minded rotor-heads, and meeting lots of folks for the first time that I knew from way back in the FC3S email listserver days! All in all, a great weekend -- I had a good taste of the dragon, my '7 performed flawlessly, including the round trip to MD, and none of her parts ended up on the "tree of shame" :-) The icing on the cake was winning the 1st place 2nd gen RX-7 award in the show - something I NEVER expected in a million years! Coming from this group, I am truly humbled & honored!


9G Redline
04-19-2010, 10:44 PM
Congrats on the win Pete. Your T2 was beautiful! Hope to see you again next year!

War Eagle
04-20-2010, 05:51 AM
Hi Pete, it was great meeting you. Your car is very beautiful and as I said, with the 1st place "win" call Jesus and tell him the price has now gone up:)

04-20-2010, 06:10 AM
Hi Pete, it was great meeting you. Your car is very beautiful and as I said, with the 1st place "win" call Jesus and tell him the price has now gone up:)

It was great meeting you too - I assume "War Eagle" = David H. with the awesome 3 rotor FD, right? Being a forum newbie, I'm a little slow associating handles with real names! I think I'm going to hang on to the FC for a long time, so Jesus should start looking elsewhere :driving: If I do ever sell it, I'd want to replace it with your FD -- that is one sweet ride!