View Full Version : Which Wheels for my car? & why?

04-05-2010, 01:16 PM
I've got two sets of rims and I can't decide which set to put the new street rubber on, so I turn to all of you. The pole is how I view them; which set of rims do YOU think looks better on my car? For all intents and purposes, they are exactely the same in size, offset and weight, it's a personal choice so explain why ;)

BBS - 17x8 & 9 +35
Works - 17x8 & 9 +35

04-05-2010, 01:32 PM
Is it just me or are they basically the same wheels? Maybe have weight decide? The lighter wheels go to track use, heavier for street use.

need RX7
04-05-2010, 02:38 PM
Work :icon_tup:. I think they look bolder and more aggressive, with a touch of class. Oh, and they're also mad tyte JDM.

04-05-2010, 02:54 PM
Can we add a 3rd option - "Neither, because I'll leave my FC at home so others have a chance to win the FC category this year"???

But seriously, I voted Works, BBS is nice, but you should just sell 'em and go for a bit different style and higher offset for race slicks.. not to mention, those works would be a pita to clean after a long track day! I do see your dilemma though as both are awesome...

04-05-2010, 06:12 PM
No other reason than the Works are just better looking IMO.

04-05-2010, 06:30 PM
works look better.

04-05-2010, 07:41 PM
Is it just me or are they basically the same wheels? Maybe have weight decide? The lighter wheels go to track use, heavier for street use.

Basically the same wheel. I've always LOVED that style, looked for like 6 months before I found the BBS's bought them instantly. A few months later the Works fell into my lap so I bought those as well figuring one will be for track, the other street. It's about the biggest you can get into an FC without going for oddball RE:Expensive rims.

They are both about the same weight, withen a lb or two. The BBS's sport titanium rivets.

04-05-2010, 07:43 PM
Work :icon_tup:. I think they look bolder and more aggressive, with a touch of class. Oh, and they're also mad tyte JDM.

Cool, I agree - bolder, more aggressive I disagree with the touch of class though, I think the BBS's are more classic, classier, etc etc. Bryan @ RotorSports Racing complemented the BBS's last year @ DGRR which is one of the reasons I'm hesitant to put them up for track use...... I guess they'll find a home on the FD :D

04-05-2010, 07:43 PM

they simply look better.

04-05-2010, 07:49 PM
Can we add a 3rd option - "Neither, because I'll leave my FC at home so others have a chance to win the FC category this year"???

:suspect: why do you think the pole expires in 7 days.... need time to mount the new street rubber on the best looking, most popular rim and get down there ;):driving:

But seriously, I voted Works, BBS is nice, but you should just sell 'em and go for a bit different style and higher offset for race slicks.. not to mention, those works would be a pita to clean after a long track day! I do see your dilemma though as both are awesome...

Thanks Bill. I think I'm probably going to join the bandwagon next year and rock some RPF01's for track with a dedicated A6, unless someone can point me to a lighter/cheaper rim, which I still might get this year. We'll see how busy we get and if I can justify it. I think the BBS's would look better on the FD as well just becuase of the lines of the car. Although I CAN fit a bigger rim on the FD.... sigh, we'll see. I'm never going to sell them though. I put ALOT of effort into getting them into the shape they're in now and I waited years, and searched for months, so they will rot with me ;)

04-05-2010, 07:51 PM
WORK. They look the same so I assume it's about the brand...Works > BBS?

04-05-2010, 07:54 PM
No other reason than the Works are just better looking IMO.

Thanks man, what size are those SSR's? Fitment looks spot on, love it

works look better.

Thanks man, what size rear are you running? I know you did a wider fender in the front.

04-05-2010, 08:05 PM
bbs, because i cant afford them

04-05-2010, 08:15 PM
WORK. They look the same so I assume it's about the brand...Works > BBS?

The two real differences between the rims are the spokes and the center of them.... they are very similar. I do love the style of them just can't really decide between the two

04-05-2010, 08:17 PM
bbs, because i cant afford them

I actually paid more for the Works. The BBS's were for an OEM Porsche (I believe) back in the mid 90's, cast/used in Europe. Somehow they made their way stateside.

04-05-2010, 08:19 PM
Thanks man, what size are those SSR's? Fitment looks spot on, love it

Thanks for the compliment, they're Gram Lights 57 Pro's though :)

18*10 (+50, but with an 8mm spacer)
18*9 (+45)

The rear inner lip is rolled, other than that they fit under the stock sheetmetal with no issues.

04-05-2010, 08:49 PM
you should then sell me those BBS wheels

04-05-2010, 08:53 PM
i vote is for the BBS. everybody and their mother has those works. teh bbs are unique

04-05-2010, 08:53 PM
negatory, never giving those up :D I sold my Kosie's so now I'm down to 5 sets for 2 cars. I have a nice set of Mitsu eclipse rims I need to move, want those?

04-05-2010, 08:55 PM
i vote is for the BBS. everybody and their mother has those works. teh bbs are unique

I know!

Crap, it was a runaway for the Works, now it's getting close... if it's a tie I'll roll down with the Works on one side and the BBS's on the other :smilielol5:

04-05-2010, 08:59 PM
Hah. I don't really care for either, but I guess BBS. /:

04-05-2010, 09:04 PM
what size rear are you running? I know you did a wider fender in the front.

corksport fenders
17x10 +10

AIT B-Magic "30mm" fenders (flexed to fit my race tires)
18x10.5 +3


04-05-2010, 09:10 PM
negatory, never giving those up :D I sold my Kosie's so now I'm down to 5 sets for 2 cars. I have a nice set of Mitsu eclipse rims I need to move, want those?

actually i could use them for the rally car if they are 15s

04-05-2010, 09:18 PM
I prefer the BBS, maybe think about painting the centre to match your paint?

04-05-2010, 10:31 PM
corksport fenders
17x10 +10

AIT B-Magic "30mm" fenders (flexed to fit my race tires)
18x10.5 +3

Damn. That is all

actually i could use them for the rally car if they are 15s

I think they might be. I'll check tomorrow when I'm moving panels around in Le Annex part Duex

I prefer the BBS, maybe think about painting the centre to match your paint?

:rofl: You just put the BBS's up top.....

Can't - even though they are a 2 piece, they have rivets not nuts like most 2 or 3 piece rims so I can't take them apart so painting them would be REALLY difficult. They're actually pretty close in color to the car.

04-06-2010, 12:31 AM
The bbs wheels make the car look cheap and tacky, dont argue with this.

The Work wheels have better lines, style, and appeal. (Why do you think they are so popular? People would not spend this type of money on wheels that did not look good.) They really make the car pop, and the color compliments the paint quite well, offering a nice, subtle contrast to the paint. Furthermore, the Work wheels make the car appear like the solid and well crafted machine we all know it is.

There, Max has spoken.

PS: I love the hell out of some BBS's.. just not those.

need RX7
04-06-2010, 01:11 AM

I love it.

04-06-2010, 01:55 AM
The bbs wheels make the car look cheap and tacky, dont argue with this.

The Volk wheels have better lines, style, and appeal. (Why do you think they are so popular? People would not spend this type of money on wheels that did not look good.) They really make the car pop, and the color compliments the paint quite well, offering a nice, subtle contrast to the paint. Furthermore, the Volk wheels make the car appear like the solid and well crafted machine we all know it is.

There, Max has spoken.

PS: I love the hell out of some BBS's.. just not those.:rofl:

am I the only one that chuckled at this post?

Max hath spoken! Choices are WORK or BBS, he chooses VOLK. It's like giving choices to my wife!

04-06-2010, 02:42 AM

04-06-2010, 12:47 PM

am I the only one that chuckled at this post?

Max hath spoken! Choices are WORK or BBS, he chooses VOLK. It's like giving choices to my wife!

Well, thanks for getting the joke, but that was a bit of a spelling mistake on my part. :d

FC3S Murray
04-06-2010, 07:37 PM
Works dude.

04-06-2010, 07:41 PM
BBS fo life.

I need to find some BBS's for the RX-8!

04-06-2010, 11:20 PM
bring the works to dgrr and I will take them off your hands

04-07-2010, 01:02 AM
Track the BBS & street the Works, I personally think BBS have a Track feel to them more so than the Works.

04-07-2010, 01:34 AM
bbs on the left side, works on the right side. its the only way

04-07-2010, 01:38 AM
Works dude.
You're biased :001_005:

BBS fo life.

I need to find some BBS's for the RX-8!
As are you ;)

bring the works to dgrr and I will take them off your hands

Interesting - how would I get the car back to CT? I can't even fit my carryon bag in the 7 :rofl:

bbs on the left side, works on the right side. its the only way

It's a very real possibility at this point :smilielol5:

Track the BBS & street the Works, I personally think BBS have a Track feel to them more so than the Works.

Odd, while I agree with this statement, I originally bought the Works with a set of Toyo RA-1's on them and planned on using them solely for track. Now I'm undecided. Popular vote will have it though.

04-07-2010, 08:37 AM
Joe likes the works. Reason? MOAR SPOKE LESS MESS IN THE CENTER.

I love both though and am an advocate of mesh style wheels. They're just so hawt.

04-07-2010, 01:53 PM
To be honest you have two great sets of wheels & yes I'm ODD LOL

Rotary Inspired
04-07-2010, 09:26 PM
Works hands down. I am a huge BBS fan but that set of works does the car more justice than the BBS. Its just the 2 sets we are comparing. I would generally say BBS. It would be a good problem to have to choose between 2 nice sets.

04-08-2010, 02:25 PM
I'm not really sure why this debate still goes on... I'm pretty sure I said Works and last I checked, I don't negotiate!!

One more thing to keep in mind.... you brought BBS to DGRR last year, same wheels more than one year in a row = lame. :)

oh wait, forgot your not an FD guy (yet).... same wheels are ok.

04-09-2010, 03:00 AM
you brought BBS to DGRR last year, same wheels more than one year in a row = lame. :)

oh wait, forgot your not an FD guy (yet).... same wheels are ok.:rofl::leaving:

04-09-2010, 08:53 AM
Joe likes the works. Reason? MOAR SPOKE LESS MESS IN THE CENTER.

I love both though and am an advocate of mesh style wheels. They're just so hawt.

I love the meshies as well. If the 'vert wheels were a decent size, I would've gotten them a long time ago.

You've got it though, it's the center of the things that throw me off. Somedays I like the BBS's carrying the 'mesh' all the way, other I like the clean yet different works.

To be honest you have two great sets of wheels & yes I'm ODD LOL

:rofl: Thanks, so am I, just slightly

Works hands down. I am a huge BBS fan but that set of works does the car more justice than the BBS. Its just the 2 sets we are comparing. I would generally say BBS. It would be a good problem to have to choose between 2 nice sets.

Yeah, I got lucky with both sets, I won't lie. I appreciate your reasoning though, thanks. I think the works set her off a little more as well, and give her a little more attitude mabe? :dunno:

I'm not really sure why this debate still goes on... I'm pretty sure I said Works and last I checked, I don't negotiate!!

One more thing to keep in mind.... you brought BBS to DGRR last year, same wheels more than one year in a row = lame. :)

oh wait, forgot your not an FD guy (yet).... same wheels are ok.

Yeah, well..... yeah. Pop vote is gonna take it and right now it looks like the works have it.

And hold on a sec, I own an FD.... just becuase she doesn't run doesn't mean I'm not an FD guy. How many FD owners have FD's that sit in a garage? I'm just part of the smaller group of owners who haven't driven them and have only had the opportunity to sit in the car and make vroooom vroooooom VROOOOOOM psshhhhhh noises :smilielol5:

Rotary Inspired
04-09-2010, 08:19 PM
Nothing wrong w/ making the Vroom sounds. We've all done it.

I have been fortunate enough to have fb, fc, fd, and fe. They are all a little different. But the FD just screams hardcore sports car more than the others. You will enjoy it. I am now going from having a FC 10th AE and a Rx8 to having another vert and the 10th AE.

Definitely more attitude w/ the works.