View Full Version : Start Getting Ready for DGRRX!! (Check list and FYI)...

01-20-2010, 02:52 AM
This year's DGRR is looking to be the largest turn out of Rotary Cars in past 5 years!!!

That being said, I know there will be quite few virgin dragon hunters... For those of you driving to US129 for the first time, I have some pointers to make (and refresher for those who have attended previous DGRR).

1. Make sure your car is in TOP performing condition. - This not only includes your engine, but most importantly your tires and brakes!! The "tail of the dragon" is 11 miles long, 318 turns. This means, in average you'll be making a turn about 3-4 seconds. Also, you'll be using your brakes as elevation changes and degree of turns change. So, make sure your car is in AWESOME working condition!!! Check everything you can and don't just do a last minute mods or changes.. Make sure you test out your car before coming to the event (you don't want to break down before or after the event).

2. US129 is a PUBLIC ROAD!!! I can not emphasize this enough.. This means you will be sharing this wonderful road with other drivers.. Some drivers will be kind enough to pull over if they are going slower than you and let you pass and others will stick to their 35MPH limit. Please be patient and please follow the rules and regulation of the roads (ie, stay in your lane and DO NOT Cross the double YELLOW LINE). And most importantly, know that if something happens, its "Your Responsibility". My goal this year is to have trouble free event with 0 accidents. Remember that when you get into trouble up there, it will not only make us look bad but also hinder other people's fun. So, DRIVE SMART!! Pay attention to the road and other drivers!!

3. Make sure you have everything tied down in your car and don't drive with unnecessary items in your car moving while driving. This includes drinks, tools, bags, bottles, etc.. When you are making 300+ turns, things will move and possibly hinder your driving.

4. Bring a 2 way radio if you got one. I say this because most part of US129 does not have cell phone signal. If something happens, 2 way becomes best way of communication. Also, we could alert other rotorheads for danger and ask for help during emergency. For the past 5 years, we've used channel 7 to communicate with other rotorheads.

5. Please DON'T act like a dumb teenager!! I say this with most respect for teen rotorheads. Most I've met respect their car and tend not to do stupid stuff. But I have to state this because some quite don't understand....
The "Tail of the Dragon" IS NOT A DRIFT COURSE!!!!! Some might be really into drifting and think DGRR is a perfect place to do so.. But, its NOT!! So, please act SMART and don't drift!! If I am notified and verified you are doing this and danger others on the road, YOU will be ban from future DGRR.

6. NO BURN OUTS at Nantahala Village. I know some of you like to show off your RAW power.. But no need... especially those who make less than 600RWHP :)

7. US129/the DRAGON is a mentally and physically challenging road. 318 turns in 11 miles can wear you and the car out fast if you run it several times. Make sure to take breaks on each side of the Dragon (pull off area by the gas station on one side and either scenic view area on the top or water side by the bottom on the other side).

8. Chat with your fellow Rotorheads. This event is NOT a driving event but Rotary car gathering. So, talk to your fellow rotorheads and talk about cars.

For those of you who attended the event before and have things I might of forgot to add, please post!

Thanks and hope to see you all in April!!


01-20-2010, 07:57 AM
stay in your lane and DO NOT Cross the double YELLOW LINE

This absolutely cannot be overstated. Nothing will get you in trouble faster than crossing the lines to straighten out a curve.

You don't have to listen to me, but the proof is out there.



This is what happens when a motorcycle sideswipes you. The rearsets ripped open this FC like a hot knife through butter, shattered the glass, and peeled back the lip of the wheel.

This accident WAS NOT the fault of the RX-7, the motorcycle was actually over the line. And the good news is, he was back the next year!!

01-20-2010, 10:28 AM
Do a check of all your fluids and get new brake pads 2 weeks before. then recheck a couple days before even if you think oh since its running fine it must be fine, check it anyways.

01-20-2010, 12:40 PM
I remember that FC ^^ when he pulled back in to NV that night :(